understanding why physical activity increases self-esteem, we need to understand what self-esteem is.
Self-esteem is our opinion of ourselves.
When you have a healthy and good self-esteem, you tend to feel positive about yourself and life in general, and you can better manage life’s challenges.
But when you have low self-esteem, you tend to see yourself and your life in a more critical and negative light.
There is an epidemic of low self-esteem, and this “affects almost every aspect of our life, from how we think of ourselves, to the way we think or react to life situations”.
Low self-esteem affects people all over the world and people with different roles of integration in society, roles that a person should choose in life, but that too often does not happen, due to adaptation to the crisis.
When negative influences and thoughts are widespread, generated by ourselves or through others, it negatively affects not only the way we perceive ourselves, but also the impacts of our life experiences.
Low self-esteem is like a “disorder of thought in which an individual considers himself to be inadequate, unacceptable, unworthy, unlovable and / or incompetent”.
The first forms of low self-esteem in childhood, at the age when the individual develops a first vision of how he or she, as a person, will integrate into social life with others, are fundamental and often determine the character and the the subject’s approach to life itself.
When you have low self-esteem the symptoms are as follows:
– It is extremely self-critical
– We underestimate or ignore the positive qualities we possess
– We are considered inferior compared to other people
– Negative words are used to describe themselves, e.g. ugly, fat, stupid, unlovable, etc.
– A non-constructive interview is used that implies censure, criticism and negativity
– We do not take credit for their own results, assuming that luck plays an important role in life
– you blame yourself when things go wrong, instead of taking into account external factors such as economic forces or the actions of others you do not have control over
– You feel uncomfortable or incredulous when someone compliments you
People with low self-esteem are dissatisfied or dissatisfied with themselves most of the time and this can lead to problems like anxiety and depression.
If you have low self-esteem, you tend to “hide from social situations, you stop trying new things and avoid situations that are too demanding”.
Those with low self-esteem, in the short term, avoid difficult situations that make them feel much safer.
However, in the long run, such avoidance can actually backfire because it reinforces their fundamental doubts and fears, teaching the “useless rule that the only way to deal with situations is to avoid things”.
There are many causes that determine low self-esteem.
They are often brought back to the first years of life, abusive or dysfunctional, and may persist until adulthood.
The causes may include stressful life events in progress such as disruptive relationships with the partner (s), financial problems, inadequate treatment by a partner, parent or caregiver, abusive relationships and bullying by peers or siblings.
We must not underestimate the role that advertising and the various forms of media such as TV reality shows and social media play in influencing the image of the body, which is part of our self-esteem.
When it comes to fitness and exercise, it is believed that low self-esteem, and not lack of self-discipline, is the biggest problem that hinders a person’s ability to achieve fitness or weight loss goals.
“When you have low self-esteem, it can be very difficult to start, to persevere with the challenges of the exercises, it is easier to give up a challenging training program.
“The most damaging element of low self-esteem is the small voice in the subject’s head, the one that says ‘I can not do it’, ‘I’ll never be able to look like that.’ These negative self-talk constants can only be thoughts in the head that will never actually verbalize, but sabotage our success in everything, including the exercise ”
The first step in addressing low self-esteem is to become aware of one’s negative thoughts and limit one’s beliefs. “Once you overcome this first obstacle, you can start re-education and learn to consciously reconsider thoughts into more positive statements.
When you start to see a difference in the weights you lift or fitness levels, “change”, things will improve and it will be easier to be motivated and more disciplined about exercise. ”
It must be considered that for these subjects it would be necessary that they initially approach with a good fitness professional who understands the situation and who faces (unfortunately few do so), starting to administer physical activity adequately and not “massacring” the subject itself or even worse by further diminishing it.
In addition to showing how to train the practitioner should be able to motivate and encourage the subject, making them mentally visualize what they could become.
The self-esteem that creates the sport appropriate to the person based on its body and biochemical composition, considerably influences the mind, making it stronger and more determined in every situation in life.
Only the endorphins that are produced during training could actually become “substitutes for psychotropic drugs“.
Of course, this when the person is trained.
So the most delicate phase is the beginning. Change.
I have always believed that my successes with people have never been attributable or inherent and exclusive to the physical form, but rather, successes related to a change in their lifestyle for everyone I have enjoyed to follow, to regardless of the final aesthetic result, (this however inevitably leads to an aesthetic result).
To follow a sample or to follow a subject that has low self-esteem of itself, absolutely must not make a difference for the fitness professional, on the contrary …
It is not important where you will come in terms of aesthetic results, the important thing is to change the lifestyle of the subject that approaches us professionals asking at the end “help” to be different, from its current state, meaning with this, not necessarily to the its aesthetic appearance.
All this is summarized as helping people to find the right balance with their body.
And this is the weapon that will protect us for life.