DO NOT lose weight and a low calorie diet
The consideration that comes when it is made to set up a food program, which has the aim to lose weight, and ‘limited to “only” the amount of calories.
Sure caloric intake and ‘important to be considered, but even more’ and considered ‘our goal!
If the goal ‘to decrease body fat, the end of our eating pattern should always be the same!
Keep up the metabolism becomes our primary goal if we are to achieve tangible results and maintain them over time.
often failing made a mistake, take too low in calories eating pattern.
DO NOT lose weight and a low calorie diet
Example if a person has a metabolism of 1500 kcal per day, setting a program of 1300 Kcal. day, the caloric deficit inevitably leads to a reduction in weight .. even if we accept a lowering of basal metabolism (the amount ‘of calories we need quotinianamente to live in a “vegetative”, without movement;
the body adapts more and all stresses (food or training) which is subjected constantly and we can not reduce your calorie intake further reduces the fat and inevitably with this system you get to take back the lost weight, and in particular body fat that had begun to decline, but that will be ‘taken up with interest.
Having said all that ‘setting the eating pattern is understood that the caloric intake becomes one of the many parameters to consider, but not the only one.
As explained previously in several posts, one of the primary rules that must adhere to a proper nutrition plan and ‘to make more’ blood sugar levels stable as possible during the day.
This is done by creating certainly not been hypoglycemic (spacing out smaller meals between the main ones), making a selection of those foods that have a high glycemic index, limiting their intake to the minimum necessary requirements.
DO NOT lose weight and a low calorie diet
Highlights of the carbohydrate that although 4.5 kcal per gram as protein and more ‘low caloric value than fat, which have 9 kcal per gram, but have a glycemic index (the” speed of blood entering the loop), much higher than the other two macronutrients.
Maintain a hormonal balance in nutrition and ‘the first rule to follow.(Insulin – glucagon).
Another factor to keep in mind to get a high metabolism, to meet increasing protein intake recommended by the RDAs, which in the case of the athlete obviously varies by the type of discipline, and hovers in the woman around 1 g per kg of body weight and in ‘man around 2 grams per kg of body weight.
In this way, with the addition of activity ‘isotonic guaranteeing to obtain a more metabolism’ becomes a high certainty.
DO NOT lose weight and a low calorie diet
Do not forget the importance of fats (essential or eicosanoids).
Pecuniarita have ‘addition to everything else already’ described, to have a very low glycemic index.
The minerals and vitamins are defined “catalysts” of the metabolic reactions of the body, so their depletion can ‘bring the subject not to be necessary metabolic reactions that are intended for weight loss.
I stress this, because ‘we are experiencing a period of great abundance relative to macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins);
DO NOT lose weight and a low calorie diet
while we are experiencing a deficiency regarding micronutrients (minerals and vitamins), due to the sophistication and storage of foods (mentioned in previous posts).
In summary:
no need to lose weight does not get to eat … we raise our metabolism, with a proper feeding schedule and activities ‘physical appropriate to our functional morphological structure, that activity’ physical and today our scientists are giving first place in the new “food pyramid”.