Bodybuilding: single-frequency or multi-frequency training?
The question often asked to me by people who work out is whether it is better to train muscle groups once a week (single frequency), or several times a week (multi-frequency).
Bodybuilding, single or multi-frequency training
Multi-frequency training is to be understood as a replica of a workout dedicated to a certain muscle group or all muscle groups in the weekly micro-cycle.
Monofrequency training, on the other hand, is to be understood as training the muscle group only once a week.
Given the differences between the two types of training, I will try to illustrate the substantial opportunities in the best possible way.
First of all, we need to understand why we are training, what we are looking for.
I believe that anyone in the gym aspires to an improvement in muscle trophism, (among other things, also the most difficult of the characteristics to obtain).
Multi-frequency training as I have already pointed out at other times is necessary when we are looking for an increase in strength, and we know that strength is proportional to the cross section of the muscle, but only this is not enough, otherwise the powerlifters would be much bigger than bodybuilders.
Strength does not need an excessive carbohydrate load, as an alactic anaerobic metabolism is used, which uses exclusively or almost exclusively the creatine-phosphate present in the muscles for energy purposes, with a maximum 10/20 second workout of exercise per set, typical of strength training.
Bodybuilding, single or multi-frequency training

Bodybuilding: single-frequency or multi-frequency training
If this time continues, the anaerobic lactacid metabolism takes over, where necessary is the use of carbohydrates.
In physiology, scientific studies have shown that a muscle depleted of glycogen after training needs 48/96 hours of recovery before it is filled up again with (glycogen) carbohydrates.
Obviously, this recovery depends on the type and duration of stimulus to which this muscle district is subjected.
Therefore, according to this scientifically proven statement, I sense that I do not want to train the muscle again, before the 5th day of recovery from the previous workout, this if I have done a dedicated workout for the purpose of hypertrophy.
So then the concept of the multifrequency has no scientific basis with regard to hypertrophy, but only with regard to strength.
Obviously as I have already stated, the beginner who does not have the ability or experience to congest the muscles like the professional or the advanced, probably therefore not being able to completely or almost completely deplet the muscles of muscle glycogen, multifrequency training could have a sense.
I have drawn up training tables dedicated to hypertrophy respecting the criteria and studies carried out based on statistics performed on various athletes, such as the following program:
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Training schedule to be done four times a week by repeating ABC in sequence, in this way the muscle is congested again on the fifth consecutive day of the last workout, that is, when science has confirmed that it is full of glycogen again.
Bodybuilding, single or multi-frequency training
Indeed, I have found in most of the athletes, about 90% of the examined, a considerable improvement in muscle mass and strength, but this effect begins to decline after about 6 weeks that such a program is carried out.
That is, for six weeks it is an excellent program, after which the athlete’s phase angle (metabolic state) begins to drop and a clear deterioration begins.
We always and only consider the stimulus of the muscle, but it is not the only thing to keep in mind, indeed perhaps it is the last!
Yes, because we know that nutrition is much more important, but not only!
Otherwise, I would increase the nutrients!
The most important thing for the “natural” bodybuilder is to release as much testosterone as possible, and with an ABC scheme as described, after 6 weeks the SHGB, the testosterone-binding globulins, rise too evidently, thus determining a lower release of testosterone.
Improvement of this phenomenon if you train every other day, lengthening the weekly micro-cycle, then returning to single-frequency training.
Bodybuilding, single or multi-frequency training
The moral of all this good speech is that there is no perfect rule for each athlete, much less one to be definitively adopted over time.
I remember once an Olimpia trainer told me: every preparation is an attempt to make the body react as we want it to react, but he is a thinking entity much more intelligent than us, so it will be him from time to time based on the measurements made on the body, of the morphological-metabolic state to tell us how we should proceed.
That said, I remember the famous Dutch hormone-treated beefs, they are big, muscular and tight, and they don’t train.
So before considering the stress of training, consider how much testosterone I can release and stress is a big obstacle inherent in it.
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P.s. The weekly recall, instead of some muscle groups is another matter, it is a recall, recall glycogen with a “pump” exercise, but this is not a specific workout, but a congestion that is often performed in those deficient muscle groups, with little muscle fiber, where the stimulus or weekly training is not enough to maintain the stimulus with the hypertrophic goal.
Bodybuilding, single or multi-frequency training